Inverpolly is located approximately 15km north of Ullapool, in north-west Sutherland. The site is nationally important for a range of habitats: upland vegetation, freshwater lochs, blanket bog and woodland. Being different geology to anywhere else in Scotland it has own character, with soaring sandstone peaks, loch systems and wildlife it's a place that is close to any peoples hearts who have ever had the pleasure of travelling through this astounding region.
Learn how to paddle the traditional style open canoe
Paddle through one of the most majestic and isolated regions of Scotland
Ascend some hard to access peaks as we paddle pass them from the water
Experience the stars from arguably the best wild campsite in ScotlandDay 1Elpin - Loch Veyatie
We plan to meet at Elphin where the open canoe expedition begins. Before setting off down Loch Veyatie heading to our first overnight camp, we discuss safety procedures and basic open canoe skills.Day 2Loch Veyatie - Fionn Loch - Ascent of Suliven
After breakfast, we load up our boats and set off down Fionn Loch towards the imposing peak of the mighty Suilven, where we have the opportunity to tackle this remote mountain by a route that very few people pass. We plan to camp close to Fionn Loch tonight.Day 3Fionn Loch - Loch Sionascaig
Today we portage over to the beautiful Loch Sionascaig; before heading for our wilderness campsite on a tiny island with extraordinary panoramic views of the surrounding mountains – arguably the most stunning campsite in Scotland!Day 4Loch Sionascaig - Ascent of Cul Mor
Canoeing to a secluded beach in Loch Sionascaig, we begin our ascent of Cul Mor through the lower flanks of the birchwood trees, here we have great possibilities of seeing some wildlife; particularly red deer which can be seen roaming across upper reaches of the mountains. Day 5Loch Sionascaig - Loch Buine Moire
We canoe northwards across Loch Sionascaig for a short portage into Loch Buine Moire. After a short paddle, we rejoin the vehicle and head to Ullapool for some well earned coffee and cake!
What's Included
🚆 Transportation - On-course transport
🍴 Food
🥤 Drink
🧰 Equipment - > Equipment supplied by SRW > Buoyancy aids > Helmets > Canoes & paddles > Waterproof storage > Camping food if staying under canvas > Camping stoves (trangia style) inc fuel > Camping mats > Cutlery > Tents 2 or 3 man > Group shelter > First Aid kit
📋 Other - Highly experienced & qualified guide
What you'll need
🧤 Warm Clothing
☂️ Waterproofs - > Waterproofs, top and bottoms > Walking trousers (synthetic materials; jeans or similar are not suitable) > Spare shoes to get wet plus dry shoes for camp > Quality, breathable waterproof jacket and trousers. We recommend Gore-tex or similar
📋 Other - > Spare insulating layerHat & gloves
Warm socks
Sleeping bag, 3 season
Spare set of clothes x 2
Some large zip-lock bags to keep your clothes and equipment organised
Head torch, plus spare batteries
Water bottle or flask
Sunglasses and sun cream (you just never know!)
Personal medications
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